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What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-02-2014

I don't know if anyone else on these forums are, but I am a big nerd when it comes to languages. I really like linguistics and language theory. Currently I'm studying Japanese and Esperanto and am progressing well. I feel it is time to pick up another language, but I'm having kind of a hard time doing so. Here's a list of some languages I want to learn eventually (in no specific order):


I'll probably go with Chinese, since it's relatively easy to begin speaking early and it has a nice connection to Japanese. Is anyone else interested in lingustics/language learning? Would be nice to have someone to study with Tongue

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - AFtExploision - 11-03-2014

That reminds me I was learning japaneese and I still have anthy bugs to prove it (STOP UNDERLINING EVERYTHING IBUS ISNT EVEN RUNNING)

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - Xray_Doc - 11-03-2014


RE: What language(s) to learn next? - AFtExploision - 11-03-2014

^gottta read dat old testement

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - jxu - 11-03-2014

I hope you realize, unless you are an exceptional polyglot, you have probably only learned those languages superficially. It takes years to learn one language (indo-european grammar and such), even English; what makes you think you can learn 6 widely varying languages?

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 02:43 AM)͝ ͟ ͜ Wrote: I hope you realize, unless you are an exceptional polyglot, you have probably only learned those languages superficially. It takes years to learn one language (indo-european grammar and such), even English; what makes you think you can learn 6 widely varying languages?

I never said I spoke any of them did I? I've only said I wanted to learn those languages eventually. The only languages I can say I know as of yet is English and Swedish (my first language).

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - PabloDons - 11-03-2014

arabic is freaking difficult. Trust me, it's my mothers tongue and I can barely speak it myself.

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 08:12 AM)PabloDons Wrote: arabic is freaking difficult. Trust me, it's my mothers tongue and I can barely speak it myself.

I know it's difficult, but that's no reason not to learn it. Knowing it can't be anything else but beneficial since it's such a major business language.

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - greatgamer34 - 11-03-2014

Learn c++

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 04:47 PM)greatgamer34 Wrote: Learn c++

Done :p

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - PabloDons - 11-03-2014

now learn java and python

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - greatgamer34 - 11-03-2014

f#, matlab, verilog

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - GISED_Link - 11-03-2014

no Verilog, VHDL better.

Et pourquoi pas le français ... c'est cool le français. Tout le monde aime le français. En plus tu peux draguer des filles easy quand tu parles français (ouais il faut toujours mettre des mots anglais dans les phrases, ça fait genre tu maîtrises #sisi-bolosse).

"Je vois tout Paris, dans tes yeux Heart" #well_known

For the prog : Labview, and all the programs of the IEC 61131-3, see this :

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-03-2014

I can feel this thread going in another direction than intended :/ And GISED, French isn't even on my list of languages I want to learn Tongue

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - greatgamer34 - 11-03-2014

how about hieroglyphics?

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - Nuuppanaani - 11-03-2014

C or assembly?

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - AFtExploision - 11-03-2014

Chinese would probably be the most useful. BTW, Chinese isn't a language - Chinese is the writing system. The most common language using Chinese is Mandarin Chinese.

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - Xray_Doc - 11-03-2014

Ching Chang chong cheng

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - jxu - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 11:15 PM)AFtExploision Wrote: BTW, Chinese isn't a language

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - PabloDons - 11-04-2014

gotta be accurate

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - PhysoniumI - 11-05-2014

Mandarin is easier to speak then Cantonese along with it being more widely used in NORTHERN China. There're also dialects of Hong Kongese (or whatever, it's weird) and Taiwanese which are similar to Cantonese and Mandarin respectively. Even then Mandarin is sometimes used in southern China, with a few different words, etc.

Mandarin's writing system (no, not a system) is a bitch, but the grammar is easy as all hell. You need someone fluent in the language to teach you though due to a fuckton of minutea that would make you sound like a babbling idiot.

tbh, Tolkien Elvish (Silvan or a dialect of) is pretty cool if you learn a script to go with it.

Fuck it, klingon.

Programming? Bytecode (does that count...?) or BrainFuck

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - jxu - 11-07-2014

How do you "learn" bytecode? Humans do not write it. Maybe if you wanted better understanding of the source language, sure.

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - TSO - 11-07-2014

Why would you learn bytecode? As far as I know, java is able to decompile bytecode back to the original java script.

Learn what all the reserved flags in RFLAGS do, and then make a whole new type of optimization for x86-64 based on that.

You might need to learn every trick in x64 assembly

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - Magazorb - 11-08-2014

(11-03-2014, 05:57 PM)MelvinS4_ Wrote:
(11-03-2014, 04:47 PM)greatgamer34 Wrote: Learn c++

Done :p
So you know everything about C++, how you can paralise, vectorise, optermise serial computations?
So you know about how to use OpenCL and other stuff designed to work well with C++, and more higher functions such as pure virtual functions?
i doubt anyone in this world knows everything about C++, but i've seen those who "Know C++" and teach it get absolutly butchered by the programers at Intell and MS, infact both of those companys are pushing C++ to be as best as it can be fore the moment, i assume you know all the C++'s then as well? like C++07,11, 14, 17 (when it comes)

Somehow i doubt you did learn C++, atleast not to the beauty that is C++, most people get up to classes then call them selfs a programer in C++, and then C++ gets a bad image because of such fools.

(11-03-2014, 06:09 PM)PabloDons Wrote: now learn java and python
C++ is more efficent then Java and Python, it can do what they both do but better, a good C++ programer would have a hard time getting worse performances from C++ then any other language, very few can challenge C++'s efficentcy (C theoryticly does but realisticly the programer doesn't know all the efficentcys and ends up behind) and for the few programing lanuages that do beat C++ in efficentciy it's normaly only in a very percise area, i believe Fortran is the only language that holds atleast something up against it.

I'd only bother to advice to learn C++ and ASM, but we pretty much use ASM anyhows. Fortran isn't particualy bad. i know those 3 languages are the only 3 Intell only really bother to use well (going as far as making their own compiler for C++ and Fortran)

RE: What language(s) to learn next? - MelvinS4_ - 11-10-2014

Could we get this thread back on track guys? I'm sure there's been plenty of threads discussing programming languages before.

Anyways, I decided to learn Spanish since I'm going to Spain over christmas. I have exactly six weeks from today to learn as much Spanish as possible before I leave. My aim is to reach a B2 level in the CEFR system of profiency classification. I know this is a very high goal (probably impossible) to reach in six weeks, but that's what I'm going to use to keep me motivated.

After my trip to Spain I'm going to focus more on my Japanese, I'm aiming to reach B2 or C1 level by summer (I'm currently A2).

For those curious, I'm A2 level in German and Esperanto as well and C1 in English Big Grin