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Full Version: Just keeping up with the crowd...
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As it seems like most people have formally introduced themselves now, I thought I might as well post my own introduction, so here goes...

Hey, I'm MattIngram/Sw1Ftx16, I alternate between those two accounts depending on the phase of the moon, but just so you know, I am in fact both people. Or rather, both accounts are myself.
I'd like to say I'm one of the most active members on the server, but at the time of posting this I haven't been on the server for about 10 days, because I'm on holiday where the internet can only just muster enough power to load a single .php web page..
Outside of nerdiness and redstone i also enjoy rugby, football, and cricket, and during school term time I'm not half as active as I'd like to be due to these commitments. Sad
This introduction seems kind of silly to me, considering I've been around on the server (ORE/RDF) for a long time now (1 and half years, maybe more), but I guess if you're a new member you won't really know me.
On the server you'll mainly find me building logic-orientated redstone - like most people I guess - and at the time of posting this I'm working on a matrix processor with Tomys and a 16-bit CPU. However, I'm always keen to lend a helping hand if I have the time to do so, so don't hesitate to ask. Smile
So yeaaaahhhh, that's my introduction over with, hope to see you all around on the server!

PS. It's my 16th birthday soon, I hope you've all bought my prezzies: P
Oh gawd, i dont have a present yet!

When is your birthday?
Your 4 bit computer video is what helped me get in to the RdF (I made a modified version and my own bin to ser to get in.) but hay what's up!