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Full Version: Hello, I am snuggles!
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Hello there! I know I was accepted to the server a month ago, but thought I could show a bit more information about myself. My ign is SnugglyCreeper9 so you know who I am if you see me. I have 2 year experience with java, I know 4 programming languages (Java, DOS, HTML, CSS), and I absolutely LOVE redstone. I like doing both software and hardware. Also, to note, I am in the younger audience (9-11) so remember that if my immaturity gets the best of me Tongue. Thanks, Zach AKA Snuggles
<3 snuggles
(07-29-2013, 05:54 PM)redstonewarrior Wrote: [ -> ]<3 snuggles
<3 Tongue
You shouln't have said that you like java, xeo will hate you forever Sad
^ Agreed
* Billman555555 finally found someone like himself *
I love java C and bash!
Not java. Java is evil.
Why it powers over half the internet.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It does,
Javascript FAIL
if hylnk == click
insert (<hy> Links </hy>)
WTH Happened to my code it went from
Java script to Jibirish script.
And sungglycreeper9 enyoy your stay in ORE.
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