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Full Version: Give me your ISs, your ASMs,
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In the process of struggling to find a thing to do I had an idea, which is to make an LLVM backend for some lucky soul on ORE.
I can just hear the questions now, "But Tyler, what is that? What does it mean?"
You'd get a C compiler for your CPU (among other languages) if I succeed.

I make exactly 0 guarantees, but I'd like people to put their instruction sets here and I will *consider* making the one I like best a compiler backend and assembler so you can write code in any LLVM-supported language and compile it for your CPU.

In order to partake in this offer you must have a few things;
  • You must have a CPU based on the *exact* IS you post (no "I wanted to add", no concepts)
  • This CPU must *work* (no "It'll be complete by...")
  • It's got to be advanced enough to run real code, use your own judgement for this one, but if you CPU only has AND and has no registers or no RAM, it's not going to work.

If you think you make the cut and wish to apply for a chance at a compiler, fill out the following form in the comments of this post.
CPU/Architecture Name (If any):
Where is the CPU on the server? (Warp is probably easiest):
Pastebin link to IS/ASM/Documentation (the more the better):
Why should I choose your IS/CPU?:
Further comments? (If any):

I ask that replies be kept on topic and please don't quote the entirety of other's applications so nobody gets confused.
Are you accepting Logisim computers? (Or anything that's not in Minecraft?)
I will fill this out after work, then hussel to get all my stuff in order!! Big Grin

Tyler, I can throw together a LogiSim version of my IizR using the exact IS the MC version will have. So u can test much easier... Wouldn't take more then a day or 2 to make. (Depending on my job schedule).
Let me know by end of the day if you want me to throw that together and I will focus on that for now instead of the INgame version
Lord: can I get some idea of what your IS looks like so I can tell if it's a good candidate before telling you to do the working things?
(04-08-2015, 11:20 PM)tyler569 Wrote: [ -> ]Lord: can I get some idea of what your IS looks like so I can tell if it's a good candidate before telling you to do the working things?

that is the docs its on, the IizR14-IZ/RALPH2 sheet is the IizR14 IS,,, the missing line in Mode 0, and the empty DMA inst will be fixed and finished tonight, if not, then tomorrow after work. As i am solidifying the IS since Tuchi's RALPHiz2 CPU will be using the same IS and architecture, just implemented at an 8 tick rather then 6 tick clock, and be his own implementation of the ISA.
That reason is more so a cool thing to see u make it for it, since u will have 2 ppl that will use it.. also i plan to make my CPU in Verilog and program a FPGA to run it,,,, so ur program would be used there too!
it would be used A LOT just saying 

----------- oh and this
Name: LordDecapo
CPU/Architecture Name (If any): IizR
Where is the CPU on the server? (Warp is probably easiest): warp iizr14
Pastebin link to IS/ASM/Documentation (the more the better): ^^ above, and have other documentation if you would like, such as how the pipeline uses inst.. if you would get into like optimization.
Why should I choose your IS/CPU?: cause u love me... and cause it would get a bunch of use on others as well as my own projects.
Further comments? (If any): umm nope
umm i saw a bunch of people were looking at my IS at the same time last night, like 10 ppl or so at once xD
was the title a reference?
(04-10-2015, 07:44 AM)͝ ͟ ͜ Wrote: [ -> ]was the title a reference?

no, give me your IS

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Tyler, u never messaged me the questions u had xD care to do so Still? Or post them here lol
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