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Simple. What kind of programming language do you know, and whats the best one in your opinion?

The only programming language that i'm familiar with is C#, so therefore its AWESOME (not really, i need to learn it for school XD)
I use Scratch. To learn more on how to create your own interactive stories, games, music and art, click here. Its as simple as 123. Imagine, Program, Share. Learn Scratch today to enjoy the experiences of programming.
* redstonewarrior bans virt for bottery
C, C++, and python FTW.
I liek snakes.

More specifically, python!


scratch is my favorite.
my favoriter is brainfuck <3
I know C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Lua, JSON, a bit of Python, Processing(for Arduino).

My favorite is by far C++. For opinions on other programming languages, see this link.
I know C++, HTML and CSS (not really programming languages), JavaScript and Lua. And brainfuck is fun :b

My favourite language to program in is C++. The language I usually use however is JavaScript, because it can be run straight from the browser with no plugins, and and because combined with CSS and HTML and Canvas you can make some pretty neat graphics. Also, everything HTML/canvas/CSS/JS is 100% cross platform <3
I do not know. People say "Start C++!" "Python NAWO!" "Java is good" i do not know what really is the best.
I know too many languages. I mostly program in C++ and C# nowadays though.

There is no 'best' language. There's only the language that fits you the best. There's a wide range of good programming languages to choose from Smile
(04-19-2013, 12:06 PM)Nickster258 Wrote: [ -> ]I do not know. People say "Start C++!" "Python NAWO!" "Java is good" i do not know what really is the best.
C++ is the most useful.
Python is the easiest to learn, and a nice language.
Java ... NO ... NOT JAVA
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