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Full Version: Theo's redstone fix!
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Type: Expedited
Change Petitioned For: Adding Theo's redstone fix to the server
Reasons for change: Redstone is super laggy and random. Theo's redstone fix will decrease block updates from 10,000's to 100's. Also it removes a lot of the randomness of redstone. Lag can be decreased on avg of 6x times less laggy, then all the way to 40x times less laggy.
Reasons for no change: Needs a lot of work, but reward is better Big Grin (Nick Im talking to you Tongue) 
Yet again we have talked about this and the Staff does not have the time to address this concern. Theo's fix isn't a simple solution as its not an easy thing to just "add" to a server.
Nick. Those posts hint at just applying it and changing a couple settings. What makes it a difficult addition?
(09-14-2018, 01:54 PM)LordDecapo Wrote: [ -> ]Nick. Those posts hint at just applying it and changing a couple settings. What makes it a difficult addition?

We can't just simply "apply" them. We have to pull up the source code for spigot, apply the changes, fix potential bugs, and recompile. That's if the code works with spigot to begin with as it is only designed for vanilla minecraft. This process also has to be repeated for every time there is a spigot update.

Potential fix for a big issue? Definitely
Easy to implement? Hells nah
uhh so not to be that guy but if this improves server experience and you are the one that does 'back end stuff' while mods do not, shouldnt this be under your responsibility?
uhh also, did you close the poll?
(10-10-2018, 11:47 PM)greatgamer34 Wrote: [ -> ]uhh so not to be that guy but if this improves server experience and you are the one that does 'back end stuff' while mods do not, shouldnt this be under your responsibility?
uhh also, did you close the poll?

It'd be too much maintenance with not much to show for it. Also it auto closed because people didn't seem to care.