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Reversi - LambdaPI - 03-09-2016

Koyarno and I (LambdaPI) have been working on a game, Reversi. Many of you have probably played this before, so it'll be cool to verse you. The point of the game is to get as many of your colored tiles on the board.

It is an 8x8 board, and you begin with a 2x2 checkerboard pattern in the middle.

Reversi Rules.
      Each reversi piece has a black side and a white side.
      On your turn, you place one piece on the board with your color facing up.
      You must place the piece so that an opponent's piece, or a row of opponent's pieces, is flanked by your pieces.

      Turn status
      Winner detection
      Automatic game logic
      Invalid move detection

      Piece counter
      Invalid move signal
      Winner signal

Feel free to play at /warp reversi
      (the reset button is hidden under the board. We'll make it nice later)

There are 3 main parts of the redstone. There is the bus logic, which sends the signals when a piece is claimed, and sends return signals. Next is the piece logic, which is simply the color register, the claimed register, and it sends the correct signals to the bus logic and the piece itself. Finally, there is the piece, which is just what you see in the map. Some intermediate parts are the control bus, the main timer, and the turn flip flop.

Koyarno did most of the work, so most credits go to him. He designed the bussing logic, the piece counter, and the board itself
I only made the piece logic, and helped a bit with the bussing logic.

Below are some screenshots of the game in progress.

[Image: O8QBD2X.png]

[Image: zhHZXYt.png]

The game logic is relatively small.

[Image: aNPgk3X.png]

I have probably forgotten to mention something, so look out for updates Big Grin

RE: Reversi - Koyarno - 03-09-2016

If somebody wants the logic layout (maybe for other board based games Tongue) I am happy to sketch it all down here.

RE: Reversi - LambdaPI - 12-13-2016

Bumping this because of new developments.

Koyarno has created a very nice tally mark system for displaying the score, and it is in the process of being hooked up.

Meanwhile, I had been thinking up ways of testing for valid moves, so that when a player has no valid moves, the game automatically passes his turn.

Automatic turn changing would improve game-play
The time used for this will create more delay between moves, and will slow down game-play

Please post your opinions below.

RE: Reversi - LordDecapo - 12-19-2016

I vote not having it. Just add a PASS button. Part of the fun of playing reversi in the past for me was people passing when they actually did have a move to play, so leaving it upto the players will make people be more alert

RE: Reversi - LambdaPI - 04-23-2017

Just gonna move dis to completed projects since its like 99% complete
If you want to check it out:
/warp reversi
/warp rollit
/warp othello

[Image: 9fTl1yP.png]
[Image: WOYcpiG.png]