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Build Server Application, SantaLincoln(Formerly known as CaptLincoln) - Printable Version

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Build Server Application, SantaLincoln(Formerly known as CaptLincoln) - CaptLincoln - 12-11-2015

Hello Esteemed colleagues! I am SantaLincoln, AKA CaptLincoln, and I wish to attempt to join your server. I do hope that this bullet point style will be approved, its easier for you to read, I assume.

1. SantaLincoln

2. My favorite thing about redstone would be your ability to manipulate it to your will.

3. I have built a subtractor that can also add.

4. It subtracts numbers and adds numbers.


6. I do agree with the fair rules given here.

Thank you, O Powerful redstone lords, for looking over this application. I wish you all godspeed whatever the result. Thank you.

RE: Build Server Application, SantaLincoln(Formerly known as CaptLincoln) - CrazyGuy108 - 12-11-2015

First of all, ew default texture pack xD
Secondly, an adder-subtractor is just under our requirements for a build application. I suggest you learn how to build a simple ALU and learn how it works, then reply with an updated application. Big Grin

RE: Build Server Application, SantaLincoln(Formerly known as CaptLincoln) - JeremyG - 12-15-2015

FYI, don't edit in a new application, we won't see it. Either reply to this thread or make a new thread Smile