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Sam223100's application for build server - Printable Version

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Sam223100's application for build server - sam223100 - 01-01-2015

Minecraft name: sam223100
What do you like the most about redstone?: Wave systems

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: a complex mob arena with some command blocks, and one without them

What does it do?: Has a total of 14 waves(i could have added more if i wanted to but i would need to make the delay longer on most of the stuff) spawns 5 per mob trigger selected. looks neat. has some hidden doors as a easter egg. Class load-outs. can add more mobs if needed but i think it is ok with 4 types. still working on the rest of it but due to me not liking command blocks it is taking me a while to finish it(plus as a challenge to my self i'm doing it on the xbox 360 where the redstone likes to break.) soon going to add a smart reset button that detects if the mob switches are on or not. does look like i'm going to need to rebuild the mob switches though due to a lack of room. lets see.... it has a smart anti spam for the waves.(so your friend can't ruin you by spamming the waves and then breaking the redstone.) if i can i will see if i can fix something in it that is making pistons break(that is my main bug right now) i think it's just xbox but it might not. also i do most my redstone on the computer but because i have to share it with my family i'm not on that much so if i want to do a lot of redstone i am forced to do it on the xbox or just go on and try to find a way to stay on. The wave system i am using is not 100% mine i got the basic of it from antvenom when he made a combo lock i just modified it for my own use in wave systems. i have built my own type of wave system its just that i prefer not to use it due to the way it works not wanting to go any longer by adding repeaters (although i think i know a way around it). There will be a image of it though.

Image and/or video, from or Sadly at the time i am posting this i'm at a motel for the night with my family for new years eve. but i will do my best to recreate it on the computer soon as i am not a fan of imgur and i cant record i will do my best for a pic. but i went ahead and did imgur anyways.

Do you agree with the rules?: yes. although i have done these kind of applications before i would expect some kind of word that you have to put at the end(unless it is hidden in the page that i was following) This version i am using command blocks(so much easier then then with them)

I would also like to see if someone can teach me more about command blocks in a very complex area(i know some command block stuff but not stuff like a single player mod) I am looking forward to playing on this server.

Again this is not the full build if i can i will get a pic as soon as possible. and if command blocks are not allowed i have no problem with that.

Also i would like to add i took the screen shots while i was building it. The full version i still have to get home to take a pic of.

RE: Sam223100's application for build server - Nuuppanaani - 01-03-2015

Hats off to you sir for putting so much effort in an application :o

That's a really cool mob arena you're describing, but I'm afraid those screenshots don't have quite enough logic behind them to get on the build server. We expect more than a ripple carry ALU. Could you maybe provide more screenshots of some fancier stuff? Nonetheless an impressive application and I'll be glad to make you a student on our school server.

We also don't do any command block logic on ORE, so I'm sorry to tell but you most likely won't find a teacher willing to teach you those mechanics here. Sad

I'll re-evaluate once I get a look of the full build.