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GeneralJAGs building application - Printable Version

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GeneralJAGs building application - GeneralJAG - 07-10-2013

What is your In Game Name (IGN): GeneralJAG

What in particular interests you most about redstone: the ability to build electronics in my favorite game.

Which prompt have you selected to build:4

If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed:

Please provide an explanation of your device: my device is a random number generator die, when you "roll" it it will show a number from 1 - 6

Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either or

please paste web adress in search bar

Do you agree to the rules of our server: (yes/no) Of course

RE: GeneralJAGs building application - newomaster - 07-11-2013

You do not have enough information listed in your application. Be sure to fully answer each prompt and provide a screenshot/video of your work.