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Pog112's Builder Application. - Printable Version

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Pog112's Builder Application. - pog112 - 09-09-2014

Minecraft name: pog112

What do you like the most about redstone?: That no matter what, redstone can never end and the unlimited possibilities of using it.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Piston doors ( if that counts) and simple traps, ive tried to make 9x9 digital button password things but they never work. =(

What does the thing do?: Opens a piston to trap someone or to open a secret doorway.

Image and/or video, from or,eUcHYmh,Em3a2ZC,xUN2tM1#0

Do you agree with the rules?: Yus, there iz kno reson 2.

RE: Pog112's Builder Application. - Magazorb - 09-09-2014

FYI wrong app, you can find the correct app layout here:

Just edit this current thread with the new layout.

RE: Pog112's Builder Application. - greatgamer34 - 09-09-2014
