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Application (take 2) - Printable Version

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Application (take 2) - NowItsKevin - 08-12-2014

Minecraft name:NowItsKevin
What do you like the most about redstone?:You can build absolutely ANYTHING.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:An 8 bit insta-carry adder and 16 Kilobytes of RAM
What does it do?:8 bit insta-carry- It adds 2 binary numbers. 16KB lets you store up to 16384 bytes of RAM.
Image and/or video, from or
12-08-12_08.06.55 (that's the link to it from Windows Photo viewer)
Do you agree with the rules?:Yes
The picture is: 12-08.12_08.06.55.png

RE: Application (take 2) - newomaster - 08-17-2014

For those images to be viewable to us you need to upload them to the internet (using a picture hosting site such as imgur), and then link them on the forum. Some documentation of your work and you should be good.