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way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - Printable Version

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way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - happertje2 - 07-06-2014


Happertje2 here.
as you all know i have started a own server long ago, we are about roleplay and minigames.
that means we have no competition with mineore Smile before anyone thinks i wanna advertise..

we have our own server and with roleplay comes alot of programming and building.
now i was wondering how mineore made it possible to access your own map of worldedit via this website.
i also like to make or have something like this for my worldedit maps, aswell the programming maps.
issue now is there happen accidents sometimes, and it takes a while before you can trust someone to give him access to the ftp.
i mean they can access the complete server, but i have no other choice.
the people are reliable, i just like to be able to give away this access to certain maps easier.

hope you could help me with this?

Happertje2 (ex redstone expert)

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - David - 07-06-2014

I think it's done using PHP. Not 100% sure, though. I haven't seen mort in a long time either so I don't think he'll give you the answer.

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - happertje2 - 07-06-2014

i have tried to contact mort on skype, but he doesnt seem active Sad

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - Apuly - 07-09-2014

If I understand you correctly, you want WE schematics to be accessed from the interwebs.
I don't know how ORE has accomplished this, but I'm guessing it has something to do with everybody having their own schematic folder, and every one of them has their own FTP login.
When setting up your password in-game, it creates the login for your own folder.
And because browser magic, you can make these accessable from your internet browser.

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - tyler569 - 07-09-2014

Well, no...

For one, we don't use FTP for schems., we use a PHP website with a login back end set to our dbpassword plugin's MySQL database.

I can check later what the exact system we use is if you want, although it may have been an in house solution.

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - happertje2 - 07-09-2014

well it is a very interesting system, and i could use this very much.
if this would be possible to make on my server aswell would be cool.
im hosting at mcprohosting, might be a problem. but idk.
if you guys think this could be made, then let me know.
if you think you guys can make it, im willing to pay for it, if its not to expensive..


RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - tyler569 - 07-09-2014

I don't know how much control you get out of McProHosting, but if you can't install your own software on it (a web server) our solution will not work.

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - tyler569 - 07-09-2014

I've just looked under the hood for you, it appears our system was built by mort, so you'll need to get in contact with him for permission to use it.

RE: way to give perm for users to access certain maps in ftp server - happertje2 - 07-09-2014

im trying to reach him for months already, but he does not react. idk he might be busy.