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Billman555555s Application - Printable Version

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Billman555555s Application - Billman555555 - 06-10-2013

What is your In Game Name (IGN): Billman555555

What in particular interests you most about redstone:
Binary And Logic Systems, ALUs, CPUs, Computers.

Which prompt have you selected to build: Prompt 5

If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed:
8 Bit Computer

Please provide an explanation of your device:
Basic 8 Bit Computer That Can Run Simple Programs,
Currently Has Arithmic Operation Program Running.
No Longer Working On Programs For It.

Video Is Not Very Good.

Do you agree to the rules of our server: Yes I Agree To These Rules.

For My Trial I Plan To Build Something Using Advanced Redstone Logic,
Maybe A ALU/CPU Using The New Redstone Features In 1.5 To Make
It Fast.

RE: Billman555555s Application - Guy1234567890 - 06-10-2013

Looks good, but please fill out all fields of the application. Also, what do you plan on building for your trial?

RE: Billman555555s Application - Billman555555 - 06-10-2013

Forgot To Put In Some Stuff. Fixed Application.

RE: Billman555555s Application - Guy1234567890 - 06-11-2013

Looks good! Hop on the server for a trial!

RE: Billman555555s Application - Billman555555 - 06-11-2013

Sorry will not be able to go on for trial till Friday maybey Thursday, too much stuff to Do.

RE: Billman555555s Application - newomaster - 06-12-2013

You can request a trial whenever you want, so don't worry about it :3