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Aft's Build App - Printable Version

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Aft's Build App - AFtExploision - 06-02-2013

What is your In Game Name (IGN):AftExploision

What in particular interests you most about redstone: Engineering, such as making computer compenets

Which prompt have you selected to build: Prompt 1(show us something cool you've made with adders)

If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed:

Please provide an explanation of your device: It is a 4 bit 7-input ALU (Cin, Inv A, Inv B, OR, Flood Carry, Cut Carry)

Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either or

Do you agree to the rules of our server: (yes/no) Yes

RE: Aft's Build App - Guy1234567890 - 06-02-2013

Looks good, hop on the server for a trial! What do you plan to build for your trial?