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Application - Valaphee - 02-10-2019

Hey community,

I wan't to apply for the build server with this short application.

Minecraft name:
- Valaphee

What do you like the most about redstone?:
- Nearly anything, it's very simple to understand. But you can build very complicated things, just with wires, repeaters, torches and some glowstone, and for this reason I like
  the redstone mechanics.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
- A compatible MIPS Processor in Minecraft, which consists of an RAM, ROM, ALU, Adder, Barrel Shifter, Double Dabble Decoder, 7-Segment Display with Decoder and a beautiful bus system,
  everything self concepted, and builded (with a lot worldedit knowledge).
- Some other components, that I builded: UARTl Decoder, and UART Encoder (without stop bit)

What does it do?:
- My MIPS Processor implements some Opcodes of the original MIPS ISA. You can use operations like, (j)ump, (b)ranch on (eq)ual, branch on (n)ot (eq)ual, (b)ranch on (l)ess (t)han, (b)ranch on (g)r(e)ater (t)han
  add, subtract, or, xor, nor, and, (s)tore (b)yte, (l)oad (b)yte. Other operations are possible, but there is not enough room to implement these at the moment.

Image and/or video, from or
-- or --

What do you plan on making for your build trial?:
- Every component, that exists in the real world.

Do you agree with the rules?:
- Yes, I agree to the "General Guidelines" at the date of 10th February 2018.

In April 2014, I already applied to the school server with the Account, "Kevsoft".

Best regards,

Application - Koyarno - 02-10-2019

- A compatible MIPS Processor in Minecraft, which consists of an RAM, ROM, ALU, Adder, Barrel Shifter, Double Dabble Decoder, 7-Segment Display with Decoder and a beautiful bus system,
everything self concepted, and builded (with a lot worldedit knowledge).
- Some other components, that I builded: UARTl Decoder, and UART Encoder (without stop bit

... daaaaaahmmmn

Mostly we require for trial something that can be build in a hour (alu, multiplier, divider, etc) but maybe i can view the cpu you have built, ask questions about it and promote you that way. Up to you.

Accepted for trial! Hop on the server at and ask a staff member for assistance.

RE: Application - Valaphee - 02-10-2019

Hey @Koyarno,

thank you (and/or your coffee machine) for this quick response.

Sure, I'll be ready for your questions.
(I have a little speech barrier, I'm more trained in the "developer" english, I natively speak german, hope that's not a big issue)