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Application - Printable Version

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Application - 2DPixal - 07-20-2017

Minecraft name: 2DPixal
What do you like the most about redstone?: It's Satisfying
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: A Print, Calculator, Clocks/Counters, Piston Doors
What does it do?: Print a 4x4 2d image, add/subtract numbers, count up. open/close
Image and/or video, from or Nope, sorry!
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: A printer ?
Do you agree with the rules?: Yeah, I agree!

Application - mazsolaskuglof - 07-20-2017

Sorry, but without including pictures and/or videos, we cannot assess this application.

Please reply to this thread with pictures and/or videos to show your work.