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Application to server - Printable Version

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Application to server - endurotim - 07-15-2017

Minecraft name: endurotim

What do you like the most about redstone?: I like how you can put all your minecraft skills into your redstone creations and have a reflective view on what skills you know and need to improve on, and I also like trying to think outside the box on the way I personally create things and make people think hard about them.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Armour stand wave machine.

What does the thing do?: This is a creation witch bounces armour stands across ice blocks to create a wave affect using a series of pistons and repeaters which correctly time the firing of the pistons

Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from or
What do you plan on making for your build trial?:
I plan to build my armour stand wave machineĀ 
Do you agree with the rules?: yes i do agree

Application to server - LambdaPI - 07-15-2017

Your application does not show sufficient redstone knowledge in order to join the build server.

Instead, I'd recommend applying for our school server here.