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builder application - Printable Version

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builder application - WitherTheWierdo - 05-31-2017

Minecraft name:WitherTheWierdo
What do you like the most about redstone?:I like building redstone contraptions and learning how redstone works
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I have made a 4x4 piston door
What does it do?: It opens a 4x4 walla of blocks
Image and/or video, from or
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: An inproved piston door
Do you agree with the rules?: YES

RE: builder application - Aerodynamic Brick - 05-31-2017

for build we are looking for something along the lines of computational redstone. if you would like to use that we can review your application again. if you are interested in our school server apps for that are in another forums section