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Tyler successfully roasted and pissed off - Printable Version

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Tyler successfully roasted and pissed off - slugdude - 04-09-2017

Today, one of the rarest events of nature happened: Tyler was *successfully* pissed off by us then roasted. Marvel in the glory of this masterpiece.

[Build]tyler569: also "an and gate with an input inverted" is both an implies and a nimplies
[Build]tyler569: depending on whether you look at it from the left or the right
[Build]tyler569: so
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: no
[Build]JeremyG: no?
[Build]JeremyG: A nimplies B vs B nimplies A yes
[Build]JeremyG: but unless you do it with a NAND
[Build]JeremyG: it's still nimplies
[Build]tyler569: a implies b means b nimpllies a
[Build]tyler569: they're the same
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: nimplies is not(not(A) or (B))
[Build]JeremyG: not really though
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: implies is not(a) or B
CDPIV joined the game
[Build]tyler569: swap a and b
[Build]JeremyG: nimplies has 1 output of the 4 that is 1, whereas implies has 3 outputs of the 4 that are 1
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: no tyler
[Build]tyler569: "look at it from the left or the right"
CDPIV left the game
[Build]JeremyG: it's still nimplies
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: no tyler it doesn't work like that
[Build]DataCorruption left the game
[Build]tyler569 left the game
[Build]JeremyG: how did this guy become admin
[Build]JeremyG: ;O
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: not(A) or B is the literal oposite of not(not(A) or B)
[Build]tyler569 joined the game
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: tyler
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: not(A) or B is the literal oposite of not(not(A) or B)
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: hence the N infront of nimplies
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: that's like arguing and and nand are the same
ZRaiX left the game
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: I think you'll find A implies B and B nimplies A have different truth tables
ZRaiX joined the game
[Build]JeremyG: A implies B == (B nimplies A) or (B xnor A) though
[Build]JeremyG: so he's close ;O
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: not really
[Student]ZRaiX: can someone explain to me why is this not working?
[Build]Koyarno left the game
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: he's studying networks, not boolean algebra
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: tyler
[Student]ZRaiX: ,list
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: how did you not fail your trial for saying a gate is the same thing as the opposite of itself?
[Build]JeremyG: implies gates werent a thing back in RDF
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: jer
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: imagine you were trialing someone
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: (hard to imagine, I know)
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: and they said
[Build]JeremyG: ikr
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: "and is same as nand just written differently"
[Build]JeremyG: that'd be a red flag
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: ^
[Build]chantea: and is not nand
[Build]JeremyG: but I'd love to hear the reasoning
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: exactly chan
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: jer
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: reasoning
[Build]chantea: nand = !and
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: "if you look at it backwards its the same"
[Build]chantea: !and = and
[Build]JeremyG: lol
[Build]chantea: bla
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: chan
[Student]VanillaBean75: k, we get it
[Build]chantea: i meant !and does not = to and
[Build]chantea: xd
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: we're roasting tyler
[Build]chantea: ooh
[Build]chantea: where can i join
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: for saying implies and nimplies are the same
[Build]JeremyG: If you look at the number 3 in a mirror it roughly looks like the letter E, so 3 and E are the same
[Build]chantea: wtf
[Build]chantea: they're not
[Student]VanillaBean75: i know
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: ^
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: @ chan
[Build]chantea: slug
[Build]tyler569: and I never said they were chan
[Build]chantea: you don't need the space
[Build]tyler569: I had a lapse of judgement
[Student]VanillaBean75: the horse is dead
[Build]tyler569: about a nonexistant gate
[Build]JeremyG: you said that A implies B == B nimplies A
[Build]chantea: xd
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: vanilla: tyler is an admin. that's why it's funny
[Build]tyler569: glhf finding an implies chip
[Build]tyler569: I deal in electronics
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: glhf knowing the difference between 0 and 1
[Build]chantea: lol slugdude
[Build]tyler569: glhf fucking off
[Build]JeremyG: glhf
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: glhf learning how to come up with comebacks
[Build]chantea: glhf learning that 0 isn't 1
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: chan I said that already
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: you dipshit
[Build]chantea: oh
[Build]chantea: lol
[Build]JeremyG: we need a new derp
[Build]chantea: DERP! 0 = 1
[Build]JeremyG: DERP! A implies B is the same as B nimplies A
[Build]chantea: ^^^
[Build]tyler569: we really don't
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: I support
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: yes we do tyler
[Build]chantea: I support
[Build]tyler569: we really don't
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: says the person who can't do boolean algebra
[Build]JeremyG: We need at least 44 derps
[Build]JeremyG: ^fallacious argument
[Build]tyler569: what was it I said before?
[Build]tyler569: I seem to forget
[Build]tyler569: oh yea
[Build]chantea: tyler: "i can't do boolean algebra in my head"
[Build]tyler569: fuck off
[Student]VanillaBean75: you guys need to know when a joke getss stale
[Student]VanillaBean75: and becomes annoying
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: you need to learn that tyler is an admin and gets salty when he's wrong
[Build]JeremyG: It's funny for as long as tyler hates it
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: ^
[Build]chantea: ^
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: it's usually hard to piss tyler off
[Build]tyler569: tyler is also in school console
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: this is a rare opportunity
[Build]tyler569: tyler can do things from school console
[Build]tyler569: @slug
[Build]JeremyG: o shit admin abuse
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: knowing tyler
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: he's ban vanilla instead
[Build]tyler569: nah
[Build]JeremyG: isnt there a command here that you can kick people from school or am I losing it
[Student]VanillaBean75: well if you didn't see that coming.......
[Build]tyler569: I like vanilla
[Build]tyler569: he
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: cuz he thinks things are the same when they arent
[Build]tyler569: he's my new friend
[Build]tyler569: you know what
[Build]tyler569: I always tell people this
[Build]tyler569: you guys have fun
[Student]VanillaBean75: you guys need more women on the srv
[Build]tyler569: I'll leave you to your quandry
[Build]tyler569 left the game
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: we did have fun roasting you, tyler
[Builder]SlugTheWelshman: #ragequit

RE: Tyler successfully roasted and pissed off - Apuly - 04-10-2017

Good job. You pissed off the biggest babycakes in the server.
I officially hate you now.

PS luv u taytay <3

RE: Tyler successfully roasted and pissed off - Nickster258 - 04-10-2017

Congrats slug. You accomplished nothing.

kinda like intOREnet

RE: Tyler successfully roasted and pissed off - slugdude - 04-10-2017

(04-10-2017, 02:51 PM)Nickster258 Wrote: Congrats slug. You accomplished nothing.

kinda like intOREnet

credit to Jer for most of it