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AmbientMorality Builder Application - Printable Version

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AmbientMorality Builder Application - Ambient - 07-02-2016

Hi, I'm a student on the ORE School server (thanks for providing that) and I'd like to apply for builder now. I applied and got student over three years ago, back when I had a different username, and after that real life got in the way. But I've been able to have more time recently!

Minecraft Name: 

What do you like most about redstone? 
It's amazingly flexible. It wasn't originally designed to be a general-purpose toolkit, but the mechanics of the game meant that it could be a simulation of real computer science concepts. Even more interesting, in my opinion, is that often computers in minecraft mimic, to a relatively large extent, real-world architectures while enabling new concepts at the same time - things like CLE that optimize real-world concepts for minecraft.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: 
CLE ALU (CLA ALU as well, based on the Sklansky PPA architecture, though I don't have photos of it unfortunately). CLE ALU is partially based on this excellent explanation, but I built the CLA ALU first without looking at Minecraft implementations because I wanted to understand the logic behind CLA/CLE before looking into more efficient implementations of functionally identical logic.

What does the thing do?
It can perform addition and subtraction through two's complement, and has the logical functions OR (locking generate of all bits to off, hence all carries are 0), XOR (cut carry, which also locks generate bits off but crucially doesn't interfere with the input->propagate/generate half adders such that propagate is still calculated with XOR rather than OR), and XNOR (flood carry, fairly self-explanatory).

Images and/or videos of the device: 
It's available on the school server (/p visit AmbientMorality), but here's some screenshots of the adder. 

Do you agree with the rules?:
I do agree to follow the rules.

Thanks for your consideration!

AmbientMorality Builder Application - Computteren - 07-03-2016

Accepted for trial! Hop on the server at and ask a staff member for assistance.