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tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - Printable Version

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tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - mort96 - 04-29-2013

Hai thar everyone!

Just thought I'd share the game I made for Ludum Dare. It's a simple platformer, where you're a green box and have to jump up as far as possible.

Here's my LD entry page.

It's written in JavaScript, using Canvas to render, so it supports all platforms, as long as there are web browesrs for that platform. Even tablets and phones. To steer on a tablet/phone, tilt your device. To steer on a machine with keyboard, A and D to move left and right, W or space to jump, S to go faster down, and P to pause.

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - Malcolmforde - 04-30-2013

Goodie! My ipod can run it!

Got a score of 4507 :3

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - mort96 - 05-03-2013

Done quite a lot of changes to it now. The version entered for LD os still the same (, and the new and constantly updated version is at

Changes so far:
*Now fills entire screen.
*High scores!
*Tweaked world gen a little
*Tweaked player physics a little (including bug fixes)
*Control scheme changed: now jumps continuously just like on the mobile version. Hold down or space to keep on the ground.

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - VirtualPineapple - 05-04-2013

Its delicious!

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - Xeomorpher - 05-04-2013

Ok, bitches, time to meet ... tofu jumper!
Features over mort's:
-10*Better performance
-Twice the frame cap
-More advanced physics
-Faster gameplay
-Cuter death screen
-Score pickups
-Trampolines and all that
-Fullscreen mode
-Pixel aligned graphics, to get rid of all that anti-aliasing mess
-Auto detecting and changing to native resolutions

<3 Mort Tongue (After LD had ended, I made a clone of Mort's game in python, and semi improved it during the week, as I had exams, which took up all my time)

[Image: ewCWytq.png?1]
[Image: r2e9i8m.png?1]
[Image: 0kYSShg.png?1]
[Image: C5L4O7W.png]

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - mort96 - 05-04-2013

updated the world gen to make the gameplay faster (basically prevented it from generating those long, slow horizontal moving stuff. Also, my game scales to fit the screen, and supports fullscreen as long as the browser supports fullscreen. 120 FPS is useless as most dispalys got a refresh rate of 60 Hz. This reduces the list of tofujumper's advantages to:

-10*Better performance (questionable, chrome's JS engine is badass - no doubt there is quite a lot of better performance tho.)
-More advanced physics (how exactly? just curious Tongue)
-Cuter death screen
-Score pickups
-Trampolines and all that
-Pixel aligned graphics, to get rid of all that anti-aliasing mess

I'd also add some of tequilaJumper's advantages over Tofu Jumper:
-Plays straight in the browser
-Is playable at all (I mean come on, you can't even download Tofu Jumper because xeo forgot to add a download link Tongue)
-Not poisonous (python snakes are dangerous)
-Plays on phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, toasters, anything that supports javascript and HTML's canvas object (which means not you IE 8 </3)
-Is Ludum Darer

<3 xeo Tongue

RE: My Ludum Dare Jam game: tequilaJumper! - bannanalord - 05-04-2013


RE: tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - Xeomorpher - 05-06-2013

Oh, well lemme list advantages from my newest version
Motion blur
Jelly physics of the character
More featured powerups
No silly glitches when resizing
Even faster and more fun gameplay

RE: tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - newomaster - 05-07-2013

Very fun (and difficult) game mort. Nice job Big Grin

RE: tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - Malcolmforde - 05-12-2013

Mort D: Your constantly updated one was removed.

Heres my Ludum Dare thingy!
Jk, its notchs from a very long time ago

RE: tequilaJumper: My Ludum Dare Jam game! - David - 05-16-2013

highscore: 2980