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I cannot upload DBF files to JIRA on Windows...
Get the following error text: Unknown Server Error (500).
The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing media type 'application/DBF Viewer 2000'
A quick google brings this up:

From what I can tell, if you have dbf viewer 2000 on the Windows PC that is uploading, it causes said problem. A few ways to fix it are:

A) remove dbf viewer 2000

B) use two PCs, one with the viewer, one without.

C) tell windows to not associate dbf files with dbf viewer. This will mean you have you can't open the dbf files with double click, but if the viewer can be run first, then told what file to open, it can still work.

Hope this helps Smile
Stop helping bots m8
Lol oops
This is caused by incorrect MIME handling by Windows when 'DBF Viewer 2000' is installed.  The 'DBF Viewer 2000' program associates the .DBF file extension with 'application/DBF Viewer 2000' instead of 'application/octet-stream'. Remove 'DBF Viewer 2000' from the affected system. If you are still experiencing the issue I can suggest this program DBF Repair Toolbox