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The thing i love most about redstone is the endless possibilities that could happen. You can build elevators, dual shot cannons and even a colour map display! I have build several redstone things like a trip wire hook trap witch then fires flaming arrows, a ninja academy with a fully working stealth circuit and lighting systems for houses, working redstone doors, along with doorbells.[video=youtube]sethbling redstone elevator[/video]
The structures I have build all have different things to do. The trip wire hook trap was to kill enemies, the ninja academy was to train my brother but also to test my redstone skills, the lighting system activates at night so you can see what you are doing, the doors had hidden levers so i could hide my diamonds and doorbells alert you when some one is at your house.

I agree with the rules.
Your build does not show sufficient redstone knowledge to be accepted into the build server. Instead I recommend you apply to the school server:
How can you not tell its from sethbling?