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Full Version: Server is online ip doesnt work?
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So, i saw the ip on the site ""
but it says cant resolve hostname in mc, does someone know why?
- toemoe3
This can be solved in several ways:
  • Always make sure you wrote the name correctly: there might be spaces before or after that you didn't see which can indeed hinder you from connecting
  • Changing your DNS server: You can try Google public DNS, follow this walkthrough on how to change your DNS server to google public DNS
  • If all else fails, you can use the numerical ip to access the server: for school, you can connect to "" (excluding quotes), on build you can connect to "". Keep in mind that this is not recommended unless absolutely necessary because these ips might change.
if you are still experiencing trouble, do reply here again or connect to chat where someone will be happy to help you if you ask