Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

Full Version: Goofysoccer's Application
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What is your In Game Name (IGN): Goofysoccer

What in particular interests you most about redstone: I am very interested in Computer Sciences, Electricity, and Logic Gates and Redstone has all of those distinguishing features, which makes me intrigued to learn more about it.

Which prompt have you selected to build: Prompt 5

If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed: I designed a Dual Read RAM which can be expanded infinitely.

Please provide an explanation of your device: It's RAM, so you put in information (in this case, a binary number), save that to a register and then you can read - or access - that information at any time by "reading" a register from either the first or second read.

Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either or

256 Bytes (2048 Bits or 2 Kilobits) of my Dual Read Redstone Random Access Memory (RAM):
It is good that you understand how to build compactly stackable memory, however it does not convince me that you will be able to pass a trial. Could you possibly build some sort of arithmetic device?