Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

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Hi I'm fuirippu,

I just got to be a [Member] on the build server, so it's time for an intro... studied CompSci, enjoy programming (mostly C/C++/C#, java) and computers in general... all the usual stuff, so I'll focus on Minecraft...

Fell in love with MC when I first tried it: no instructions, no goals, dat blocky look. Spent all my time playing Survival, kind of knowing that I'd get into redstone some day, but always putting it off: maybe I'll run out? I should wait until I've got another chest-full...

Well, I finally started: some simple projects using Creative to test things. This last couple of months I've played creative pretty much exclusively; after seeing some of the redstone machines people were building, I figured I'd like to try that...

I watched YouTube videos, read wiki articles, built a computing device, learnt of ORE and here I am. I expect I'll have some noob questions - four days ago I didn't know how to chat in multiplayer (press 't') - but hopefully

Big Grin welcome!

It's a shame I wasn't around to see you do your trial xD

Welp, I guess it's time to scour build for your build then.
Chicka chicka slim shady
... hotter than a set of twin babies Smile

@Magical - feel free to scour, but I warn you... so far there's only a lumbering behemoth and some stuff left behind by a previous tenant (I think)
xD yeah I saw
i got stuck reading xkcd for a while... welcome!
Lol me to Rek (Will take me a while to start calling u lego)