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Full Version: PNM's application (bis)
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Hello again !
I already attempted to apply on the build, and I was refused.
I realisez I actually didn't give a lot of attention to my application, and I'm here today to post a proper one, wich will give a real idea of what I know.

Minecraft name: _PNM
I will also present myself again, I'm a french student, who just finished his first year of math, informatic and physics preparatory class (I don't think there's a real equivalent in the US, it's quiet different from colleg, but whatever)

What do you like the most about redstone?:
I've been on the school server for some weeks now, and I realised that the part of redstone I prefered was to build beta-style circuits.
I've played minecraft since the beginning of the beta, and I'm not very confortable with all the new stuff of redstone, plus, I think it's more challenging to build with some restrictions (basically, I'm trying not to use comparators, hopers, etc and pistons and repeater lock when possible)

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge? + what they do + images:

I think I know how to build all the common logic gates,
I understand and can explain the major part of the adders, and ALUs,
I can calculate algorithm's temporal and spatial complexity,
I know the different part of a CPU (there are some specificities I don't get though, like the constant debate between registers and RAM)

Here are some creations I made on the school server :

Some other projects I have currently :
-a CLE ALU - I understand all the theory, but I didn't yet managed to build one myself
-a CPU, using only old-fashionned redstone (no repeaters lock nor pistons)
-a CPU with an user-friendly programming interface (as I said in my previous application, the serial RAM is intended be used to store programms)

EDIT : and here is a prototype of dual-read registers, 1 tick for both reading and writing, 4-wide stackable, that doesn't use comparators (it uses repeaters lock though) :

Do you agree with the rules?:

I hope this introduction will seem a lot more consistant to you than the previous one, and I hope to see you soon on the build server ^^
This looks good, feel free to trial at your convenience.