Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

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Minecraft name: nukeist
What do you like the most about redstone?: It is fun to use!
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I made a device with 1 byte of data. It would save an inputted byte (using levers) and output the byte until it was deleted (initialized back to 0) or until a new byte was saved.
What does the thing do?: Saves 1 byte and outputs in on redstone torches!
Image and/or video, from or
*Toward the end the audio lags behind, so while it looks like I am naming things incorrectly, I am really naming the stuff that happened about 5 seconds ago* Confused
Do you agree with the rules?: yes.
Sorry wrong subforum
Is this suppose to be a school app or a build server app?
The video you have provided is private, please make it public so we can see it.