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Minecraft name: exopvm

What do you like the most about redstone?: Be creative and make some stuff seemingly useless for people who don't understand the logic.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
I have videos about calculator, random screen with some memory and logic unit.

What does the thing do?:
calculator takes decimal input and performs addition or subtraction and gives decimal output.
Screen has memory you can save pictures in and it has a system that loads the pictures as video.
Logic unit can perform many basic logic functions such as AND, OR and XOR.

Image and/or video, from or //the calculator //screen // logic unit

Do you agree with the rules?: Yes I do.

Also if it does help I was on Redstone development foundation before.
If you were a member on the RDF, you automatically recieve member on here. Just ask an admin while online.
We recently modified the rule. You may still skip the application, but you may still be required to take a trial.