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Hello guys.
My name is Martin Dørum Nygaard, or as you may know me from minecarft, mort96. I will take you through a journey of my life as a minecrafter, and how stuff got together the way they did.

After being interested in redstone for quite some time, making code locks - eventually ones where you had to press buttons in a set pattern - in single player and with small private servers with friends, I saw a few videos from the Redstone Development Foundation.

One of the videos was from BlueDragonTao and Berick, both founders of the RDF. They had made some kind of device which would save the states of levers, and output them on displays. You can see a video of it here.

After reading a bit about the RDF, I decided to try to join. My ever interaction with the RDF was on the 14 June 2011 - 01:56 PM, was post #30 on the RDF Projects forum thread. They were still doing everything with minecraftforum threads, and had no official website, nor their own forums. (sadly, the video don't seem to exist anymore.)

Quoting that project, Berick said that if I wanted to join I could make a post in the thread they had for accepting new members. So well, I did.

I hopped on the IRC (for those of you who don't know, IRC is Internet Relay Chat, and is basically a way to chat online. ORE got it's own IRC channel too, and that's linked to the in game chat). An admin was online there (Shrogg, if I recall correctly), and he whitelisted me to the server and gave me a place to build.

So I started building. My first ever RDF project was a dice game, where you press a button to randomly roll a dice. There would be two players, and the player with the most eyes on the dice would win. It even had win detection, and made sure not to tie! I would give you a video of it, but it doesn't appear to exist anymore either.

Time went by and I played more on that server, improving my skills in redstone aswell as making new friends. One day, Old_Custard thought me the logic behind a ripple carry adder, and before the sun set, my first ALU was completed. It was by no means a very good ALU, it was actually quite horrible - very slow, very huge and generally bad. It does however put things into perspective - at the time, it wasn't actually as bad of an ALU. It was by no means world's best ALU, but it was actually acceptible. This says something about how far redstone has advanced. Here is the minecraftforum thread I made of that ALU.

More time passed, and eventually, by September 2011, the RDF staff decided it needed more admins. They decided to let the community decide who deserved admin, and the system worked like this:

1. People would send Berick a PM with three people they thought should be nominated for the admin election.
2. After some days, a new thread would be made, listing who got nominated. People got three votes this time too, but now they had to vote for the players who were nominated.
3. Some more days would pass, and then the votes would be counted. The three people with the most votes would become administrators.

There's an interesting side fact to this story: I did actually not get nominated.

I had two candidates I would like to nominate, but struggled coming up with a third one. Then I read that you could nominate yourself, and thought why not. It couldn't hurt, right? Right. After the election was done, it somehow came to my knowledge - how I don't remember - that the only one nominating myself, was myself. If I hadn't incidentally decided to nominate myself, I would never have been an RDF admin. Neither would I have become the server host of ORE. That's something to think about.

I and redstonewarrior tied at first place, both with 17 votes from the community. iDeNoh got 2nd place, with 16 votes. The closest nominee was Goldy5114 with 13 votes, then the amount of votes people got would shrink rapidly.

Now I was admin, and everything was great. I wasn't yet used to being admin, and it all was very new in the beginning. Didn't really know what it meant to be admin. As time progressed I got more used to being an administrator though.

Being an administrator was a very important maturing process for me. I was what, 14 years old? 15? As you may have noticed if you read my cake ALU thread, I wasn't exactly mature. Having this huge responsibility put over you at that age really expands you as a person, and fairly quickly I became more mature and serious. In a good way.

I feel that being an administrator of what at the time was probably the world's biggest redstone server made a deep impact on me personally, ultimately making me a better being. Thank you, RDF.

A huge chunk of time passed, and things started being a bit more troubled for the RDF. We started having problems with inactive admins, but would never demote anyone from administrator. None of the original founders were active anymore, and many admins were never seen online. We decided we needed some more admins, but instead of letting the community elect, we just chose a few people who we thought would make great admins. And they did.

A while after that, we got problems with inactivity again, and decided to get some more on board.

Then it happened again. And again.

We were now a huge bunch of admins, most of them inactive. I don't know this for sure, but I think that, at least unconsciously, we didn't want more people on the team, even though we still had some inactivity problems. After all, we were already far too many administrators. 80% of them never to be seen on the server and only occasionally on the forum. They were still admins though, and we didn't want to demote admins. We all kind of just agreed on that for some reason, and had no discussions about it.

Our server admin, Jessassin had been fairly inactive for a long time, just like most other admins. It is fairly obvious that when the server admins, the only ones with access to doing anything with the server, become inactive, never being seen in game or on the forum.

We started having server issues, such as the infamous disconnect.spam issue. This was a problem where the server simply kicked you after 11 or so chat messages - including commands. This killed the server while it lasted. A few weeks and one night with redstonewarrior going through source code, then some days of trying to contact Jessassin about what he had found, and the problem was fixed.

The community returned to the RDF. But then we started having other problems, where people's plots would suddenly stop loading. The server would needed to be restarted to fix it, and the longer uptime the server had, the more plots would refuse to load. With server admins being a rare sight, and nobody else having the power to restart the server, people started to leave again.

Eventually, those problems were somehow sorted out too, and now only the spawn, map and trial areas would refuse to load. Some of the community returned.

Then came the update to minecraft 1.5. Because there is no easy way to downgrade minecraft, and people rather wanted to play with the new features of 1.5, the RDF died again. A lot of time, I was the only player on there. At max there were 4 people on at a time, while the server used to be crowded by tens of people every night.

A week or two ago, while being on Skype at school during a boring class, redstonewarrior contacted me on Skype. He told about the idea he had to make a new redstone server, and invited me to a Skype group. As of today, XxDOTxX, guy, Xeomorpher, JeremyG, red, bannanalord and Virtual_Pineapple are in that Skype chat.

We started making a server. A redstone server to compete with a dying RDF. It was insane.

I offered to host, and red set up a server with his awesome server setup skills. Xeo made us an awesome plot system.

Fast forward a week or two of spawn building, setting up and plugin development, and we're in the present. I'm probably speaking for everyone who were part of starting this server when I'm saying that we're extremely proud of what we've achieved.

Thank you, whoever may have made it this far, for reading. I hope everyone will have just as good a time playing on ORE as I've had being part of founding it!
Hey mort!
I should have read this sooner. I'm glad we've done something this insane, and I hope we can continue to do something this insane for the far future. Thanks for hosting, and being a part Big Grin
"Open Redstone Engineers!"
Sup mort!
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