Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

Full Version: Pineappleous's Build Server Application
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Minecraft name: Pineappleous

What do you like the most about redstone?: The fact that a player could be able to build computers that are able to deal with image processing, arithmetic, and run (simple) programs such as mathematical equations or mathematical algorithms (i.e. Bresenham's line algorithm, graphing slopes with or without floating points).

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: An 8 bit ICA ALU.

What does the thing do?: It can ADD, SUBTRACT using 2's complement, OR, XOR, NOR (OR + !A and !B), XNOR (XOR + !A and !B) when given an A input and B input.

Image and/or video, from or


Do you agree with the rules?: Yes.
Now THATS an application Big Grin

Good luck with your trial!
Okay, Evel looked at my application... now I'm waiting for my trial but no one is on to monitor it.