Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

Full Version: NamesYUNoLeft Application (Build)
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Minecraft name:

What do you like the most about redstone?:
I like having the ability to create things that exist in real life in redstone logic to show the awesome functionality (or at least ability) of Minecraft.

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
A Random Number Generator.

What does the thing do?:
It generates a number in binary using droppers, hoppers, and comparitors. If the item it drops can not stack, the signal strength is stronger, and the output for that corresponding bit is one. Otherwise,
the output is 0 (for that bit).

If the binary output is one digit in decimal, the number is fed into a decoder. Else, the generator tries again until it is one digit.

The decoder converts anything 0-9 into a different signal "strand."

The 7 Segment Display (newomaster taught me how to make) shows the
number in decimal.

Image from

EDIT: This was built on my plot in the school server. /pwarp namesyunoleft if you want to take a look.
Approved for trial!