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Full Version: LiquidFenrir build application
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Minecraft name: LiquidFenrir

What do you like the most about redstone?: being able to tinker with a thing like electricity for free

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:simple ALU and program counter

What does the thing do?:do alu things, and count in binary with an output enable and write capabilities

Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from or

What do you plan on making for your build trial?: the alu again, but with a few more bits to prove it can be extended infinitely

Do you agree with the rules?:yes
"Do ALU things" - What ALU things? Give a few examples.
Add, subtract, xor, or, etc... currently upgrading it to show more for the trial Smile
Btw multiplexed alu functions like this is not allowed.
Accepted for trial! Hop on the server at and ask a staff member for assistance.