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Minecraft name: KingJellyfishII
What do you like the most about redstone?: I like the fact that with the right combination of torches, redstone dust, repeaters and observers etc you can make ANYTHING (well, within reason) that a circuit in real life can do. I also like the fact that you can apply electronics knowledge from the real world to Redstone. 
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I have made a 4-bit redstone computer (on PE, but the concept is the same)
What does it do?: It computes things (adds & subtracts) based on program memory (RAM not ROM, although speeds are limited and so is memory size). Note that in the image the computer is only half-built, because of issues with getting screenshots and/or worlds off my phone I can't include an image of it fully working. Hope this isn't an issue :)
Image and/or video, from or         (reply if you want to know what the colours mean)
What do you plan on making for your build trial?:  I will build a 4-bit ALU with OR, XOR, AND, ADD and SUBTRACT functions
Could you possibly make something that contains more logic than RAM? For example an ALU or a multiplier (at the trial ofc)
I'll think it over and reply in due course.
If I was to build an ALU (AND, XOR, NOT, ADD, SUB, etc.), would 4 bits be OK or would 8 or 16 be better? (I'm asking because of build time, as I don't have very much)
Also, is making your redstone non-compact an issue? (Because I'm <strong>not</strong> good at compacting...)
4 bit is good enough
I'll build a 4 bit ALU (as mentioned above, I updated the form)
Accepted for trial! Hop on the server at and ask a staff member for assistance.