Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

Full Version: My Intro
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Hello everyone!
I am a guy who has been playing Minecraft since 2010, and has always had a fascination with redstone.
I am by no means (at least in my mind) a "newb". I can successfully build most things I set out to make, and I have even made a few working computers without tutorials(!). I found ORE through bennyscube, who is one of my favorite redstoners, as he focuses on binary logic and computation, as apposed to someone like Mumbo Jumbo, who focuses more on random contraptions. (Don't get me wrong, I still love Mumbo Jumbo).
You guys look like a great community, and the reason I wanted to be here was to be able to socialize with like-minded people and get feedback as I build, instead of being stuck on my single player world. That gets lonely.
Nice to meet ya. Hope you apply and get involved in the commnity.
sounds like a really good intro, welcome!