Forums - Open Redstone Engineers

Full Version: Application for Builder
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My user is Plebonaut.
What I like most about redstone is that you could build anything that includes machinery and engineering that inspires me to do so in real life too. You could build almost anything out of redstone as long as you how to.
One thing I have built is a giant secure vault. It includes dozens of coded redstone and engineering keys that lead to your prized possessions. Each code unlocks a 3 by 3 piston door that eventually leads to your valuables.
Image is in the "New Attachment" section.
I plan on building a lot of my designs that show my ideas and my thinking. I wanted to be apart of this group because I like to share what I can do and how i do it.
I agree with the terms of use and the rules.

Thanks! -Plebonaut
Dear Plebonaut,

ORE is a redstone server for engineering, that's true. However, we rather like to focus on redstone machinery which includes computer-related builds, mainly arithmetic units and CPUs. I'm afraid what you showed here isn't enough to make it into the build server. Instead, I would recommend you to apply to our "school" server [url http=""]here[/url], where I'm sure you will the most important principles very quickly.