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Full Version: Students With World Edit?
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Hi! I have student rank currently, and I've been kinda frustrated that the students can't have access to World Edit, and it's  really been limiting what I can do. I know I can just ask somebody with World Edit to help me out, but that gets really old, and a lot of the time it takes a long while to get a response. So I was wondering if there could be some sort of change to the server that gave students access to World Edit. Tell me what you think in the poll. Please reply to this thread and tell me what you think of the idea. And really random comment here, why is the forum tilted?!
As for worldedit: we will only allow builders worldedit. This has been discussed many of times.

As for the forums: it's been like this forever. We can't solve the bug.
Many times in the past. Could consider re-discussing.
no... its called an incentive... an incentive to work hard enough to learn what you need to get builder... if you want the WE, work for the rank.